Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Name of the Blog

Okay, the name comes from Shakespeare.

The Winter's Tale, Act I, Scene ii.

It's the lead-in to a monologue where Leontes convinces himself that he is not the father of the child that his wife is carrying. It marks Leontes sudden and unexplained descent into temporary madness:

"Go, play, boy, play: thy mother plays, and I
Play too, but so disgraced a part, whose issue
Will hiss me to my grave: contempt and clamour
Will be my knell. Go, play, boy, play.
There have been,
Or I am much deceived, cuckolds ere now;
And many a man there is, even at this present,
Now while I speak this, holds his wife by the arm,
That little thinks she has been sluiced in's absence
And his pond fish'd by his next neighbour, by
Sir Smile, his neighbour: nay, there's comfort in't
Whiles other men have gates and those gates open'd,
As mine, against their will. Should all despair
That have revolted wives, the tenth of mankind
Would hang themselves. Physic for't there is none;
It is a bawdy planet, that will strike
Where 'tis predominant; and 'tis powerful, think it,
From east, west, north and south: be it concluded,
No barricado for a belly; know't; It will let in and out the enemy
With bag and baggage: many thousand on's
Have the disease, and feel't not. How now, boy?"

Frankly, I didn't pick the title for any particular love of Shakespeare or for any desire to appear erudite and hyper-cultured. I picked the title mainly because a Google search did not turn up any existing blogs with this title. All the other titles that I thought of were already taken.

"Exit, pursued by a bear" (also Winter's Tale, arguably the most famous stage direction in all of history)?

Somebody has already used that name for their blog.

"Life is so tiny, so... daily" ( a line from "Take Me Out" -- the end of the speech is "This... You... take me out of it")?

There's already a blog with that title.

"Go, Play, Boy, Play"?

No blog references found.

In context, the sentence is a bit on the dark and crazy side. Out of context, it's more open to interpretation. So I would prefer that you take the title strictly at face value, as an encouragement to myself or to yourself or to someone you know.
I don't intend to use this space to demonstrate or discuss jealousy, insanity, cuckoldry or paranoia. Or, for that matter, preciousness or pretense. Instead, I'd rather use it as a playground.

Nothing more meaningful than that.

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