Gay tourist #1: That was when I was licking your nipple.
Gay tourist #2: I don't remember that.
Gay tourist #1: I have a picture of it somewhere.
(train gets too loud to hear for a few seconds)
Gay tourist #1 (indignant): Tell her that I do NOT want to see that turn up on YouTube. I'm running for supervisor, and I don't want any surprise Internet scandals.
#2: Overheard at Civic Center at the post-parade celebration:
Young thing #1: He is not gay!
Young thing #2: He is too!
Young thing #1: He is not!
Young thing #2: I'm telling you, I know for a fact that he is gay!
Young thing #1: Gavin?
He's NOT
But what I found funny about it was (1) the kid thought he could convince his friend that Gavin is gay just by repeatedly insisting that it's true; and (2) his friend was starting to sound like he might could be convinced that it was true.
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