But today I got the official e-mail notification from Netflix.
The price of memberships for rental of Blu-ray discs is being raised in order to offset the higher cost of Blu-ray discs.
How much of an increase?
$1 per month.
I'm okay with that. They could have done much, much worse.
I'd been thinking of dropping from 4 at-a-time to 2 at-a-time, since we have DirecTV w/HD DVR now. I went ahead and did that.
Aha! I've been wondering who at "dslextreme" was using an RSS feed. Now I know. ;-)
We've never gone above 3-at-a-time. At times like right now (when I'm under heavy deadline at work), they tend to collect dust. There's one DVD at home right now that we've had for just over two months -- probably should watch it or just plain send it back....
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