Thursday, November 27, 2008

So I'm NOT the only one this happens to....


A man robbed a bank in Charleston last Friday morning. The witnesses said that the robber was "a man around 60 years old" (my emphasis).

Bank tellers managed to slip a tracking device into the money they gave him. Using this tracking device, the police arrested a suspect, Mark Tirico, aged 47.

This is not unlike the time two years ago when an acting teacher told me I could easily play "anything from 50 to 80," then blanched when I told him I was only 45. Apparently, he thought he was being generous in saying that people would believe that I was only 50....


The Honourable Husband said...

The men in our family are blessed with long lifespans. Unfortunatley, we're blessed to spand the second half of it looking like Burl Ives.

Anonymous said...

ah, I bet if you dyed your beard you could pass for at least your own actual age. Not saying you should or need to, but I think that's what skews people's estimates so high. Otherwise I think you don't look that old.


BGreen said...

Actually, people have always assumed me to be older than my actual age.

Once when I was 13, a woman was telling *extremely* blue jokes in my presence, then turned eighteen shades of pale when she found out I wasn't 18.

Before the hair started to go seriously gray, people always guessed me to be older than Chip. Frequently, people guess our ages fairly accurately -- they just think that Chip is my age and that I'm Chip's age.