Saturday, July 10, 2010

Boing Boing Picnic

This afternoon, Boing Boing had its first ever readers' picnic, open to the public, at Doughboy Field in Golden Gate Park.

The good people of Airship Victoria performed tests of a hot helium balloon for a planned Steampunk Dirigible project.

There were balloons (the regular-sized kind), bubbles, gophers, music, magic, a drawing corner, lots of kids, lots of grown-ups, an analog version of Twitter, lots of animated conversations and, best of all, free T-shirts.

My full set of 40 photos can be found in a Flickr set.  

[UPDATE: I have posted my 1-1/2-minute video here on my blog  and here on YouTube.  Also, I found this video taken by attaching a phone to the balloon.]

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